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Zellers Beautiful Blooms is Born 

DeAnn Zellers Fetzer left her Corporate Career of  15 Years ,in 2021,  to rejoin the family farming operation. This move re-ignited her love for growing all of the things  and afforded her the extra time dream a little (or a lot). 

One cold December night, DeAnn called her Best Friend, Megan Grube, and said, “ I have an Idea and I need you to tell me if I am crazy…”. She proceeded to explain her ”crazy”  Dream of opening a U-Pick Flower Field, fully expecting Megan to tell her to ‘Keep Dreaming’. Much to DeAnn’s Surprise, Megan was 100% on board and ready to jump all in. That night “Zellers Beautiful Blooms” was born!

The two spent the next 6 months, talking on the phone for hours every night about their Flower Field Dream and making plans to open for the very first time in July of 2021! 

Opening Zellers Beautiful Blooms would not have been possible without the help and support of DeAnn and Megan’s Family and Friends. The Zellers Beautiful Blooms crew is made up of the best volunteers around! Each one dedicates their time and many talents to ensure that our customers all have the best experience, each and every visit.

About DeAnn and Megan 

DeAnn met Megan through family in 2012 and they became fast friends! In 2014, DeAnn gave birth to her first son Max and 1 month later, Megan gave birth to her first son Henry. The two  boys were born to be besties, just like their Momma’s! We spent most weekends together making memories for our 2 boys ( who in turn made many messes for their Momma’s to clean up)… In 2017,  Megan added another baby boy, Theodore ( Theo), to the mix  and a short 3.5 months later DeAnn had her 2nd baby boy, Carson.  Carson completed the team that we fondly refer to as  “The Fantastic Four”! 

We spent the next few years raising “The Fantastic Four”, side by side, they were destined to be best friends! 

In 2018, DeAnn and her boys moved back to the Family Farm in Rochester. The distance couldn’t keep “The Fantastic Four” and their Momma’s apart!  Megan and DeAnn spent many weekends traveling to each other’s houses, so that they could continue making memories together with their boys!  

While Zellers Beautiful Blooms is DeAnn and Megan’s dream – they love that they get to share the experience with their boys. 

About “The Fantastic Four”: Our Favorite Farmhands

Max – Max is the oldest of “The Fantastic Four” and quite possibly the quietest! Max is always there with a smile on his face, ready to tackle any task set before him. When picking flowers, you can usually find Max picking dead sunflowers or Zinnias with only half the petals – He sees the beauty in the blooms that most others wouldn’t even notice. 

Henry – Henry is the 2nd in line of “The Fantastic Four”. Henry is very inquisitive and always ready to learn new details of flower farming! Henry loves to help us with weed control. Henry believes that no bouquet is complete without Cosmos. 

Theo –  Theo is up next on “The Fantastic Four” roster. Theo’s favorite flower is “Baby’s Brea-FF”  ( Baby’s Breath). He can often be found running through the flower field with his partner in crime, Carson, in search of the nearest muddy puddle. 

Carson –  Carson finishes out “The Fantastic Four”. Carson can most often be found enjoying Cotton Candy and Snow Cones, while shopping for “Power Rings” with Theo at the Paparazzi Jewelry booth.  While he loves the flowers just as much as the other boys, his favorite part of the Flower Field is most definitely the yummy sweet treats that we offer each Saturday and the Magical powers that he gets from the Power Rings.